53rd Annual Jolly Bowl
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Some background tidbits of Jolly Bowl and the Anil Trophy:
In 1968, investors from India formed the “Anil Hardboard Co.” in co-operation with the Nova Scotia Industrial Estates Ltd. At the time, this company founded the largest hardboard sheet material plant in Canada. Over the years the company (Canxel) has changed ownership several times.
Mr. Govind Jolly was the president of the Anil Hardboard Company of Bombay. Mr. Jolly brought an elephant “Balakrishnam” to Canada from India. The Jolly Bowl started in 1970 and was a weekend club spiel with games going 24 hours. WOW! The Anil Trophy is adorned with elephants and is the most sought after trophy at the Chester Curling Club. This trophy is awarded to the winning team of the Jolly Bowl. So, come on out for a few hours of fun and laughter. Get a chance to meet other club members and of course to see who wins the “Anil Trophy” | ![]() |
What will happen???
8 ends of curling starting at 2:00 pm (points on winning ends, game won, loss or tied)
Potluck supper to follow, ending with the presentation of the Anil Trophy to the winners.
Look for the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board at the Club!
It’s a great way to enjoy some fun curling and help show your continued support of the Chester Curling Club.