Please log into the member's area (Member Home) to complete your online Sign-Up.
Forgot your Log In credentials? - Username and/or Password?
Please first complete a New Member Request. After you are accepted as a club member, you will then be able to Sign-Up to play in our leagues.
Note: A unique email address is required for each person registering, including Youth leagues
Some background tidbits of Jolly Bowl and the Anil Trophy:
In 1968, investors from India formed the “Anil Hardboard Co.” in co-operation with the Nova Scotia Industrial Estates Ltd. At the time, this company founded the largest hardboard sheet material plant in Canada. Over the years the company (Canxel) has changed ownership several times.
Mr. Govind Jolly was the president of the Anil Hardboard Company of Bombay. Mr. Jolly brought an elephant “Balakrishnam” to Canada from India. The Jolly Bowl started in 1970 and was a weekend club spiel with games going 24 hours. WOW! The Anil Trophy is adorned with elephants and is the most sought after trophy at the Chester Curling Club. This trophy is awarded to the winning team of the Jolly Bowl. So, come on out for a few hours of fun and laughter. Get a chance to meet other club members and of course to see who wins the “Anil Trophy” | ![]() |
What will happen???
8 ends of curling starting at 2:00 pm (points on winning ends, game won, loss or tied)
Potluck supper to follow, ending with the presentation of the Anil Trophy to the winners.
Look for the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board at the Club!
It’s a great way to enjoy some fun curling and help show your continued support of the Chester Curling Club.
It’s hard to believe but we are nearing the end of our second seven-week session of curling for adults for the 2024-25 season. So, what does that mean for you as an adult curler? For the three Open Leagues on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, this is an opportunity to start a new schedule for the next seven-week session.
New teams can join the leagues, and existing teams may choose to move to another night that better meets their availability or skill level. Drop-in leagues will continue unchanged.
As we begin the third session, it is important for you to review your membership status.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please note: Appropriate instructions for Junior members for the third session will be communicated separately.
It’s hard to believe but we have already been curling for seven weeks and tomorrow marks the end of our first session of the 24-25 season at the Chester Curling Club. So, what does that mean for you as a curler?
For the three Open Leagues on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights and for the Monday Night Junior League, this is an opportunity to start a new schedule for the next seven-week session. New teams can join the leagues, and existing teams may choose to move to another night that better meets their availability or skill level. Drop in leagues will continue unchanged.
As we begin the second session, it is important for you to review your membership status.
If you signed up as a full Adult ($450) or Junior ($190/$130) member, then you can continue to play in all curling activities applicable to your age group for the entire year.
If you signed up for a One League Adult ($300) membership, then you can continue to play in one league for the next two sessions. If you would rather change to another league for any reason, this is your opportunity to make the switch, but you must only play in one league.
If you signed up as a One Session Adult ($160) or a One Session, One League Adult ($110), then you will have to register for another One Session Adult membership and pay the fee for the second session.
If you aren’t sure what you initially signed up for, or if you wish to change leagues or membership status, or if you just want to pay your fees for the second session, then just click on the
at the top of the members’ website page.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please note: The second session starts on December 16 and runs until Friday February 14, with a two week break from December 23rd to January 3rd. Leagues may chose to use their regular times during the break period if they wish, but those are not officially part of the seven week session.
The following statement is effective immediately and will be implemented going forward.
With the opening of the Curling Club for the 2024-2025 season, we must address the safety and operational guidelines for the Club during and after weather events. These guidelines are designed to ensure the safety of all members and the integrity of the facility.
Guidelines for Closure:
- Wind Conditions: The Curling Club will be closed if wind speeds reach 70 KPH (kilometers per hour) or higher.
- Snow Loads: The Curling Club will be closed if snow accumulates to a depth of 1 foot or more.
These parameters are being put in place to ensure safety, especially in the case of high winds and heavy snow.
Notification Process:
- CMP Park will notify the Club by email when a closure is imminent due to weather conditions.
- Members: It is vital that your email address is up to date in the Curling Club Manager system.
- League Chairs: When a closure is announced, the League Chairs will forward the notification to their core groups.
Important Notice on "No People Inside":
- When the park indicates “no people inside,” this means that no one is to enter the building, regardless of their role.
- No Ice Technicians
- No Keyholders
- No Teams (practice or scheduled ice sessions)
Anyone found disobeying this order will have their key privileges suspended, and the key will not be returned.
Immediate Action:
Please be aware that weather conditions are expected to change over the next few days, and a closure could be implemented. We encourage all members to monitor their email closely during this period.
Further updates and more details will be provided as we continue to refine these procedures.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Andrew Milburn
CCC President
Registration is now OPEN!!! The Chester Curling Club will be hosting two separate events for the 2024 Teazer Light
U13 and U15 Divisions - Boys, Girls or Mixed Teams
Age cutoff is as of June 30, 2024
U15 Division (6 end games) – November 22-24, 2024: $160/team
U13 Division (4 end games) - December 13-15, 2024: $150/team
To register, send Team Details – Team member names and date of birth, club affiliation, coach name and key contact info to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Payments will be accepted via etransfer to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Junior Division of the Chester Curling Club is offering 2 free instruction sessions for all students Grade 3 and up. The program will start October 28th, and children may choose any two sessions to attend. If you are new to curling and really want to do more sessions, registration for beginners is only $70 for the whole season.
MONDAYS - 4:00-5:00: Beginner and Novice– All Ages Welcomed INSTRUCTION, CURLING EDUCATION AND GAMES Dates: Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 18, 25 Dec. 2, 9, 16, Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 24, and Mar. 3 |
SATURDAYS - 10:00 – 11:00 – ALL AGES AND SKILL LEVELS Ages 8-11 - Instruction and Games Ages 12 and older - Advanced Team Practices/Specialized Training Events/Games Dates: Nov. 9, 16, 30, Dec. 7, Jan. 11, 25, Feb. 8, 22, Mar. 1 |
Please contact Tammy Rent (Junior Chairperson) at: 902-483-9086 (cell) orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register your child.
Registration System Now Operational!
We apologize for the long delay in opening the online registration system, but we have made significant changes in the league and fee structures, and we have therefore had to make significant changes in the online system.
After some teething pains, we have completed testing and the system is now good to go, including the credit card payment system.
All you need to do is click on the green Member Login button on the website and then click on the following link at the top of the page following login.
As a former member, you will just need to review and confirm the personal information that is currently in our member database. If you have moved or changed any of your contact information, then this is your chance to correct things and make sure that you don't miss the latest news from the club or that phone call from your skip or opponents that the game tonight is going to be cancelled. Please check your information carefully to prevent any errors. It is very important that your correct birth date is in the database because your registration fee will be calculated based on your age and the number of leagues that you sign up for.
For details of the membership types and fees, please go to Chester Curling Club - Types and Fees . Once you have confirmed your personal information then proceed to the next page and select the leagues/activities that you wish to play in. You may pick as many or as few as you want, and your fee will be charged accordingly. If there is any doubt about whether you are planning to play in the second or third seven-week session, then please only pick one session to avoid being charged the full season fee. You will be able to register for those other sessions at a later date, but you will be charged the sessional fee for each session at that time. Please note that paying for each session individually does result in a larger overall fee if you pay for all three sessions individually rather than paying the full season fee all at once.
Once you have picked your leagues, then you must accept the conditions of the online waiver form to complete your registration. Then you can make your payment using any of the payment methods including credit cards or e-transfer online, or cash or cheques at the club.
You may notice that the Club 200 ticket option is no longer on the registration form. Unfortunately, we have had to remove it from the online system as online sales and payment are contrary to the conditions of our lottery license. We do hope that you will continue to support the Club 200 fundraiser by buying your tickets at the bar during the season.
Remember, fundraising efforts help us to keep our membership fees reasonable.
Please note that the interactive nature of the registration process has made it difficult to use a paper form. If you are unable to access a computer or you are having difficulty using the online system on your own, then please come to the club during one of the registration nights or any time when the bar is open during nighttime leagues, and someone will be able to guide you through the process. Monday, October 21, and Tuesday, October 22, at 7 PM.
If you have any questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Charles Walker, Membership Chair
Jeff Lamb, Treasurer
Our Executive have been very busy over the summer planning the upcoming curling season at our Club...catch up on the latest news in the October newsletter.
New committees, campaigns, board members and events...2024-25 is shaping up to be an exciting year ahead.
To view this latest edition, download a copy here.
SATURDAY, November 2nd, 2024
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Designed for intermediate adult curlers who want to improve their technical skills and increase their knowledge and enjoyment of the game and MAKE MORE SHOTS!
Topics to be covered:
Cost: $70+HST
Deadline: October 26thth, 2024
Details & Registration Turning Point Curling
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone:(902) 870 – 1748
SATURDAY, November, 2nd, 2024
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Designed for junior curlers who want to improve their technical skills and increase their knowledge of the game.$70.00 + HST
Deadline: October 26th, 2024
Details and Registration: Turning Point Curling
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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![]() | Chester Curling Club190 Pig Loop Road, Box 457 Chester, Nova Scotia B0J 1J0 |
The Chester Curling Club is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization located on the South Shore of scenic Nova Scotia. We welcome all curlers- whether you're a beginner or a champion, young or old- you'll always find a warm, friendly and inviting place in our Club. We run Day, Ladies and Mens, Mixed and Stick Leagues throughout each week from October to March and our Junior programs have produced provincial, national and international champions !!!