The first week of curling will tentatively be scheduled for the week of October 24 and registration will begin shortly.
More details will be avaialable here soon.You can also follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with the latest news and events
Please log into the member's area (Member Home) to complete your online Sign-Up.
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Please first complete a New Member Request. After you are accepted as a club member, you will then be able to Sign-Up to play in our leagues.
Note: A unique email address is required for each person registering, including Youth leagues
The first week of curling will tentatively be scheduled for the week of October 24 and registration will begin shortly.
More details will be avaialable here soon.You can also follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with the latest news and events
![]() | Chester Curling Club190 Pig Loop Road, Box 457 Chester, Nova Scotia B0J 1J0 |
The Chester Curling Club is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization located on the South Shore of scenic Nova Scotia. We welcome all curlers- whether you're a beginner or a champion, young or old- you'll always find a warm, friendly and inviting place in our Club. We run Day, Ladies and Mens, Mixed and Stick Leagues throughout each week from October to March and our Junior programs have produced provincial, national and international champions !!!