League Information

The club has a number of leagues running throughout the season for members of all ages and experience.

Day Curling League

Tuesday Social League

Wednesday and Friday Stick League

Wednesday Ladies League

Thursday Mens League

Friday Mixed League

Juniors Over 12

Juniors Under 12

Day Curling League

Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30am

Come when you can. There's no commitment to find a spare when you are busy or away. It’s a great place to learn to curl, to work on your curling skills, and to learn how to stick curl.

We also have one-day home/away tournaments with other clubs where we regularly get trounced but have a good time and a good meal! And we have several fun in-house bonspiels/pot lucks during the season.

Open to all members, and to non-members on a limited basis

Daytime Drop-in curling is open to all members, on a first come, first served basis. Non-members are welcome if space is available after members have been assigned to teams. Non-members can curl as our guest the first time and then we ask you to join the club as a social member ($75, with an opportunity to curl 3 more times) or as a full member of the club.

  • Curling starts at 9:30 am.  Please arrive a minimum of 15 minutes early to allow time to make up teams
  • Games are eight ends with a break for refreshments after four ends
  • Teams are mixed, with any combination of male and female curlers
  • Adult curlers only
  • We have a kitty to collect small contributions (generally a 50 cents) to cover the cost of refreshments (coffee and tea, supplies).
  • If you love to bake, we have a sign up schedule for home cooked goodies but you are under no obligation to bring anything
  • If schools in the area (South Shore Regional School Board) are closed due to bad weather on a curling day, daytime curling will be cancelled. 

Draw Contacts

  • Shirley McCaw
  • Terry Ferguson

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Tuesday Social League

This is a fun, social league suitable for beginner curlers with limited curling experience and for experienced curlers as well. It provides an opportunity to try different positions, refresh your playing skills and learn the finer points of curling strategy without the obligations of joining a team in one of the competitive leagues. If you are a more experienced curler looking for additional ice time and willing to help mentor entry level curlers, you should consider joining us on Tuesday nights. All Chester Curling Club members are welcome to drop by and play!

  • The format for the Social League is a drop-in type similar to Day Curling.
  • Players are asked to arrive by 6:45 PM so teams can be organized in time for a 7:00 PM start on the ice.
  • Games last for up to 2 hours. In-game tactical and strategic discussion is encouraged to maximize participant learning, so pace of play is not rushed. No end is allowed to begin after 9:15 PM.
  • Teams are made up to ensure that novice curlers get maximum experience of all aspects of the game and to create a mix of new and experienced curlers.
  • Players are encouraged to enjoy the social side of curling during and after the game and the bar is open to provide an appropriate reward for the losing teams.

Draw Contact:

  • Charlie Reed: (C) 902-818-5005
  • Pam Reed: (C) 902-471-9708
  • Amy Grapel: (C) 902-273-0405
  • Scott Milner: (C) 902-514-1966

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Wednesday and Friday Stick League

  • Games are played every Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00pm and Friday morning 9.30am to 12.30pm.
  • Each team consists of 2 stick curlers and 6 rocks are thrown each end alternately by each team. There is no sweeping between the hog lines.
  • Curlers can sign up in teams or as an individual and they will be assigned to a team.

Draw Contact:

  • Terry Atherton

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Wednesday Ladies League

  • Games start at 7:00 p.m..
  • Games will be 8 ends.
  • Mates or thirds will notify the Chair of wins and losses.
  • Regular draws will be round robin format per the schedule on the website.
  • Canadian Curling Association rules apply.
  • Points per game: Win - 2 points, Loss - 0 points, Tie - 1 point
  • In the case of a tie at the end of a round robin, the standings will be determined by:
    • Head to head winner
    • Draw closest to the button (if needed).
  • The team that cancels a game must try to accommodate an acceptable time for the opposing team when deciding on a make-up date.
  • Re-scheduled games must be played within 1 week, unless other arrangements are deemed neccessary.
  • If a game is not made up by the deadline date, the cancelling team must accept the loss.
  • If neither team can complete a game, both teams will mark a loss for the game.
  • If a night's play is cancelled due to inclement weather, that draw may be re-scheduled.
  • At least 2 regular members from a team must be present in order for a game to qualify as a result for league play.
  • Please call the Spares list, then spare curlers from the adult membership must be called after that. If no adult curlers are available, the juniors may be called.

Draw Contacts

  • TBC

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Thursday Mens League

  • Early draw starts at 7:00 pm and the late draw at 9:00 pm.
  • Teams in the early draw who are postponing or cancelling their game should inform the skips of the late game
  • Games are eight ends
  • Open to adult Men members
  • Teams are asked to proceed to the ice at five to seven so the early draw can start promptly at 7:00 and allowing time to complete all eight ends.
  • In the seven o'clock draw no end may start after 8:50 p.m. to allow timely completion of the second draw.
  • Each losing team in the 7:00 draw is expected to clean the ice to allow for peppling between draws.

Draw Contacts

  • Darrin Hatt

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Friday Mixed League

  • Fun and camaraderie is the prime objective of this league.
  • Open to all female and male members of the Club including Juniors. Teams are open and can consist of all male or all female members. Members can play any position.
  • Spares can play any position and there are no restrictions except there must be at least 2 members of the original team playing the game for it to be counted.
  • The early draw starts at 6:30 pm and games are eight ends. If a game is scheduled on that sheet for the late draw, the 6th end should not be started after 8:15pm.
  • The late draw starts at 8:30pm and games are six ends.
  • If your team needs to cancel a game, please inform the opposing skip and Mixed Chair immediately so another game can be played in your time slot, particularly if the game was scheduled for the 6.30 pm draw.
  • If a game is cancelled, a make up game can be played before the last scheduled date of the draw or the cancelling team takes the loss. 
  • Mates of the winning team are asked to record the win on the schedule on the bulletin board at the Club.
  • CCA rules apply.
  • Game tie breakers are determined by one stone to the house by each team with sweeping. Any member of the team can throw the stone.

Draw Contacts:

  • Gary Clark: (H) 902-275-1417

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Juniors Over 12

  • For the 2020-21 season, Junior curlers will be able to play in a League on alternating Sundays starting November 15th from 10.30-11.30am.
  • If enough teams are present, league play will take place with two divisions. Instructional help will be given during the games to further develop their skills.

Junior Co-ordinator:

  • Tammy Rent

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Juniors Under 12

  • .For the 2020-21 season, Junior curlers will be able to play in a League on alternating Sundays starting November 15th from 10.30-11.30am.

Junior Co-ordinator:

  • Tammy Rent

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Our Sponsors

Chester Basin Animal Hospital
DMR Financial
Cleantech Home & Building Maintenance
PROPOUR Concrete Services Inc

Contact Us

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Chester Curling Club

190 Pig Loop Road, Box 457
Chester, Nova Scotia  B0J 1J0
Phone: (902) 275-4965


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Club information

The Chester Curling Club is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization located on the South Shore of scenic Nova Scotia. We welcome all curlers- whether you're a beginner or a champion, young or old- you'll always find a warm, friendly and inviting place in our Club. We run Day, Ladies and Mens, Mixed and Stick Leagues throughout each week from October to March and our Junior programs have produced provincial, national and international champions !!!

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