Privileges - Individuals who have paid the annual fees of any of the categories of membership listed below and have completed the required registration form and all of the associated waivers and compliance forms are able to enjoy these privileges:
1. Participation in all curling activities identified in the membership category, including participation in provincial championships for which they qualify,
2. Use of the lounge, viewing areas and change rooms, and
3. Ability to attend and vote at any members’ meeting of the club
Membership Types – Approved membership categories for the 2023-24 season include:
Adult – An adult member is eligible to play in any or all the adult leagues and any social/funspiels offered by the Chester Curling Club. The annual fee is $418. A 2nd adult in the same household is only required to pay $378 to be an adult member.
Early Bird – An adult member who only wishes to curl for the first half of the season from club opening in October until December 31, 2023 is required to pay an annual fee of $215. An Early Bird adult member is able to enjoy all of the other non-curling privileges for the entire year.
Late Bird – An adult member who only wishes to curl for the second half of the season, from January 1, 2024 to club closing in April, is required to pay an annual fee of $286. A Late Bird adult member is able to enjoy all of the other non-curling privileges for the remainder of the year, once they have registered and paid their fee.
Stick Curling Only – An adult member who only wishes to curl in the Stick Curling League twice a week for the entire season from October to March is required to pay an annual fee of $225. Stick Curling Only members are able to enjoy all of the non-curling privileges of an adult member but are not eligible to play or spare in any other leagues.
Full-Time Post-Secondary Student – Any student in full-time attendance at a post-secondary institution may enjoy all of the curling and non-curling privileges of an adult member by paying an annual fee of $220.
Junior over 12 – Any individual who is over 12 and under 21 years of age on June 30th, 2023 may register as a junior member for an annual fee of $175. Junior members enjoy all of the non-curling privileges of an adult member and may participate in regularly scheduled junior practices, league games and bonspiels for their age group.
Junior 12 and Under - Any individual who is 12 years of age or under on June 30th, 2023 may register as a junior member for an annual fee of $120. These junior members enjoy all of the non-curling privileges of an adult member and may participate in fun and active sessions for learning the basics of curling and improving their skills as offered by the club on a regular basis.
Social – A social member may curl in three regular league games and participate in lunches, parties and other club social events. The annual fee is $75. This is a non-voting member status. This status also includes a free Club 200 ticket.
Non-Member Privilege Types – Individuals who have not paid an annual fee to become a member of the club may enjoy several types of limited privileges at the club including:
Guests - Visitors to the Municipality, sponsored by any member in good standing, may be accorded the use of the lounge, viewing areas and change rooms. Names of all guests shall properly be registered in the official guest book, together with the sponsor’s name. There are no fees for guests of members.
Spares – An individual who is not a member of the club and wishes to participate in a regular league game may do so by signing in the official guest book, paying a sparing fee of $20.00 and completing the required waiver and compliance forms available at the bar.
Practice Status - An individual may register for Practice Status with the club by paying a fee of $190. An individual with this status is not a member of the club and is not eligible to play in any regular leagues, but may book practice ice under the same conditions and schedule as are made available to members of the club.
Coach Status - Volunteer coaches may register for Coach Status at no cost. An individual with this status is not a member of the club, but by registering they will have an active account in the club database and will be able to receive communications from the club as part of club mailing lists. The account will also form a record of waivers, compliance documents and any other necessary documentation associated with coaching activities.